Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

Kids Action Mission: Do the Dewey!
Find three books with a specific Dewey Decimal numbers on the shelf at the Weston Public Library.

For each Dewey Decimal number, write the TITLE of one book on the shelf with that Dewey Number.
What is the SUBJECT that all the books with that Dewey number are about? (Your best guess.)

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Kids Action Mission: Read with Voices!
Action: Read aloud with enthusiasm! For a Raffle Ticket

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Kids Action Mission: Shhh....Listen!
Action Mission - Raffle Prize Entry

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Kids Action Mission: Book Art!
Action Mission Art - For a Raffle Ticket!

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Kids Action Mission: Book Selfie!

A Book Selfie would be a photo of you reading a book.  It could be very basic or something artistic!

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Kids Action Mission: Craft with Us!

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Kids Action Mission: Follow Bella!
Action Mission: Follow Bella for a Raffle Prize

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Kids Action Mission: Share a Joke!
Action Mission Joker--for a Raffle Ticket!

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Kids Action Mission: Young Chef!
Action Mission for a Raffle Ticket!  Can you cook?  Let's find out!

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Kids Genre Mission -- Fantasy Book!

Genre: Fantasy!

A Fantasy book usually takes place in another world, and features magic and magic users, quests, and creatures like dragons, gryphons or unicorns.

(If it takes place in our world, magic is always involved.)

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Kids Genre Mission -- Graphic Novel!

Find a Graphic Novel you have not read before.  Graphic Novels can be any topic, but the key element is that they have panels and illustrations and word bubbles.

Complete the two activities to earn a Raffle Entry!

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Kids Genre Mission -- Historical Fiction!

Genre: Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction takes place in the past.  It may be centered on a very well known event (like the American Revolution) or just about daily life in a different time (like wagon trains moving West).  It can take place in our country, or anywhere around the world.

Some Historical Fiction could have even happened in your lifetime!

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Kids Genre Mission -- Non-Fiction!

Genre: Non-Fiction!

Non Fiction are the books in the library shelved by Dewey Decimal Number.  They are filled with information and true facts about a topic.  

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Kids Genre Mission -- Novel in Verse!

Kids Genre: Novel in Verse!

Novels in verse are stories written using poetry instead of the usual sentence and paragraph form. The poems, often written from the point of view of several characters, tell a complete story in an unexpected way.

Some excellent novels in verse explore heartbreaking, yet hopeful historical fiction. 

If you have trouble finding a Novel in Verse, ask a Librarian for help!

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Kids Genre Mission -- Realistic Fiction
Genre: Realistic Fiction

Realistic Fiction is a story that could take place right now.  Characters could be very similar to people you might know in your own life.

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Kids Genre Mission -- Sports Books!

Do you love sports? 

Read a Fiction or a Non-Fiction books about a sport like baseball, tennis, soccer, football...you get the idea!

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Kids Genre Mission -- Survival Story!
Genre: Survival

This can be fiction or non-fiction.  Basically, it's a book about a person who is alone and survives some kind of adventure in the wilderness.
(For Fiction, look for a Survival Sticker. For Non-Fiction, look in Dewey number J 613.69.)

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Kids Genre Mission--Biography!

Read a Genre:

Biography or Autobiography!

A Biography is a true book about someone's life written by someone else.  An Autobiography is a true book about someone's life written by the person who lived it.

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Kids Just For Fun Mission #1

Just for Fun Mission #1--Do something kind!

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Kids Just For Fun Mission #2

Just for Fun Mission #2 --Fun--Read Outdoors!

Find an interesting place to read outside! Take a picture and share it with your family; add it here if you like.
This is a Just for Fun Challenge, so it doesn't earn a prize--just the fun of doing something different!

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Kids Just For Fun Mission #3

Just for Fun Mission #3 - Read a Movie!

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Kids Just for Fun Mission #4
Just for Fun--Create a Bookmark!

Using whatever materials you have on hand, create a bookmark. Use your new bookmark to keep track of your Summer Reading! Share it with Librarians if you like.

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Kids Just for Fun Mission #5
Just for Fun--Have a Teddy Bear Picnic!

Pack your favorite teddy (or any stuffed animal), your favorite snack, and your favorite book.

Pick up a blanket or a rug and go outside for a Teddy Bear Picnic in the sun! You can even sing the song...do you know it?

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Kids Just for Fun Mission #6
Kids: Just for Fun--Tell a Ghost Story!

Summer isn't complete without scary stories around the campfire! If you go camping, read a ghost story and tell it around the fire. If you don't go camping, tell a friend or family member a ghost story by flashlight. (Make sure not to tell something too scary to younger kids!) BOO! Did you scare anyone?

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Kids Just for Fun Mission 7
Kids: Just for Fun: Library Guessing Jar!

Check out the Summer Guessing Jar for Summer Reading! It's full of candy and surprises...and you can make a guess at how many candies are inside each time you visit the Library!

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Kids: Reading Challenge: Book Review #1

Read a Book and Write a Review.

Start off with the Title of the Book, the Author, then a short summary of what it's about, then add short statement about why you liked (or didn't like)  it!

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Pre-K Just for Fun Badge !

Share a book with your pet (or stuffed animal!)  

Did they like it as much as you did?

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Pre-K Just for Fun Badge!
Construct a Reading Space!

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PreK - K Alphabet Walk!

Go for a walk and look for letters of the alphabet all around you! For example, two branches on the ground might form the letter T. The goal is to find the letters without having to move items around to create the letter. Mark off each letter as you find it!

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PreK - K Parent and Child Funtime!
For the joy of togetherness, complete these activities together!

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Teen - #Bookface
Create a "Bookface."  Find a book with part of a face or a body and line up the book with your own face or body.  Take a selfie of you and the book to create a "bookface."

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Teen - Attend Escape the Room program
Sign up and attend the Escape the Room program on Monday, July 22nd at 6:00 - 7:00pm.

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Teen - Attend One Up Games Minecraft Tournament
Sign up and attend the One Up Games Minecraft Tournament on Monday, July 8th at 6:00 - 7:30pm.

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Teen - Attend Tailwise Program
Sign up and participate in the Science Tailwise Program on Monday, July 8th at 6:00 - 7:30pm.

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Teen - Attend the Henna program
Sign up and attend the Henna program on Monday, August 5th at 4:30 - 6:30pm.

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Teen - Attend the Pop Up Art School Beach Painting program
Sign up and attend the Pop Up Art School Beach Painting program.

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Teen - Attend the Pop Up Art School Felted Otter Program
Sign up and attend the Pop Up Art School Felted Otter program on Thursday, July 25th at 6:00 - 7:30pm.

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Teen - Become a Blogger
Become a blogger. Read a book and write a review.  Write about a genre of books that you like and why.  

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Teen - Book in a Jar 1
Check out the "Book in a Jar" at the Weston Library and guess what book it is.

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Teen - Book in a Jar 2
check out the "book in a jar" at the Weston Public Library and guess what book it is.  

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Teen - Book in a Jar 3
Check out the "book in a jar" at the library and guess what book it is.

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Teen - Book in a Jar 4
Check out the "book in a jar" at the library and guess what book it is.

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Teen - Book in a Jar 5
Check out the 'book in a jar" at the library and guess what book it is.

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Teen - Book in a Jar 6
Check out the "book in a jar" at the library and guess what book it is.

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Teen - Book in a Jar 7
Check out the "book in a jar" at the library and guess what book it is.

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Teen - Book Spine Poetry
Write a poem using the titles on book spines.

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Teen - Check Out the Prize Case
Check out all the prizes in the prize case and write down five prizes  you would like to win.

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Teen - Download a Book on Libby
Download a book on Libby and read it.  Describe your experience and how it compares to other ways of reading a book.

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Teen - Download a Book or Movie Using Hoopla
Try using Hoopla.  Download a book or movie.  Write about your experience.  

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Teen - Download an ebook
Download an ebook.  Write about your experience.  What book did you download? Did you prefer reading on the kindle?  Why or why not?

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Teen - Download an ebook on Overdrive
Download an ebook on Overdrive.  Write about your experience.

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Teen - Follow us on Instagram
Follow the teen library scene on Instagram @wpl_teen.

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Teen - Get a Library Card
Sign up for a library card.

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Teen - Host a Book Club
Host a book club.  Invite some friends to read the same book and meet to discuss the book.

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Teen - Read to a Pet
Read to a pet.  Take a picture of yourself reading a book to a pet.

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Teen - Read to a Younger Sibling or Friend
Share the joy of reading with a younger sibling or friend.  Take a photo of yourself reading a picture book to someone.

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Teen - Reading in a Favorite Spot
Read a book in a favorite spot.  Take a selfie of yourself reading in your favorite nook and upload it.

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Teen - Technology Assistance
Give tech help to a family member or friend.  Describe the problem and how you helped solve it.

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Teen - Use a Library Book to Make Something
Use a library book to make something.  You could use a cookbook to make something to eat or you could use a craft book to make a project.  Take a photo of what you made.

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Teen - Use New Databases
Try out one of the library's databases.  Write about the experience.

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Teen - Write a Postcard and Send it to the Library

Write a postcard and send it to the library.  

Karen Baldwin

Weston Public Library

87 School Street 

Weston, MA 02493

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Teen - Your Input Needed
Your input is needed.  Write down 5 ideas for activities or events or displays you would like to see at the Weston Library.

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